Yellow Obsidian Meaning

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Yellow obsidian keeps us protected as we go about our spiritual work and opens us up to the wisdom of the Higher Realms. These yellow obsidian channeling stones will provide you with a wonderful sense of joy, confidence, and Divine Understanding. Snowflake obsidian is probably the most popular variation of this gem – especially in the jewelry industry. It is a volcanic glass and can easily stand out in the crowd due to the shades of gray and white. Practically, it looks like a snowflake – hence the name. Despite its beautiful appearance, snowflake obsidian is. Obsidian: The Ultimate Guide to Meaning, Properties, Uses' class. Black is the most common color of obsidian. However, it can also be brown, tan, or green. Rarely, obsidian can be blue, red, orange, or yellow. The colors are thought to be caused mainly by trace elements or inclusions. Occasionally two colors of obsidian will be swirled together in a single specimen. Yellow obsidian keeps us protected as we go about our spiritual work and opens us up to the wisdom of the Higher Realms. These yellow obsidian channeling stones will provide you with a wonderful sense of joy, confidence, and Divine Understanding.

You can go to the Obsidian section of our shop byclicking this link.

Obsidian is molten lava that cooled so quickly that it did not have time to crystallize. It has a glass like appearance that is typically very shiny.

Obsidian is known to work quickly and is sometimes too quick for those that are not ready for its power. There are several colors of obsidian, this article talks about obsidian in general.

Obsidian is a strongly protective stone that helps to form a shield against negative forces and provides a cord from ones base chakra to the center of the earth. This kind of anchoring can be overwhelming for some since it works so fast but it can be extremely helpful for those working in the healing professions as it gets to the root of an issue quickly.

Metaphysically obsidian helps to eliminate energy blockages and release tension. This stone is known to anchor the spirit into the body.

Emotionally obsidian helps you to know who you truly are by carrying you to the depths of your emotions.

In healing obsidian is a wonderful tool to help one understand the cause and reason for the disease. It is used to help detoxify and release blockages and relieve pain, warm the extremities and shrink and enlarged prostrate.

Astrologically Obsidian is connected with the all of the zodiac sun signs.

Snowflake obsidian has a peaceful energy to it, it helps to promote calmness and centeredness to the person that has it in their possession. I love this stone for its calming effect it has on me. It allows me to be grounded and still remain open to spiritual ideas at the same time. Snowflake is a little softer then black obsidian but is powerful all the same!


Yellow Obsidian Meaning

Blue Obsidian is connected to the throat chakra and supports communication, astral travel and helps to open the aura. Blue Obsidian is helpful for those that are looking to enhance their telepathic abilities, tarot reading, dowsing or other forms of divination. Bu clearing the path of communication blue obsidian helps one to have a stronger connection to their abilities to read a situation.

Blue Obsidian can also be used in the treatment of speech therapy or mental clarity during disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia and multiple personalities confusion.

Astrologically Blue Obsidian is connected to the zodiac sun sign of Aquarius.


Green Obsidian stimulates the heart chakra and assists in cleansing ones aura. It helps to remove cords in the aura that have been long due to be removed while redirecting those cords to and endless vessel of white light.

MeaningYellow Obsidian Meaning

Astrologically Green Obsidian is connected to the zodiac sun sign of Gemini.


Yellow Obsidian stimulates the third eye, solar plexus chakra and works to clear ones understanding of who one is.

It is a helpful tool for those that do not feel confident that they are ready to pursue the true path one should follow. Yellow Obsidian Is one of the warmer and more understanding of the obsidian stones. Still yellow obsidian delves deep down into the realm of the unknown while being open and truthful to the one called to using or working with it.

Astrologically Yellow Obsidian is connected with the zodiac sun sign of Leo.


Yellow obsidian healing properties

Cherry Obsidian stimulates the higher heart chakra and balances your energy in that center.

It great for someone who is trying to see the spiritual purposes of their issues, allowing ones higher heart chakra to open up and to blossom into understating the underlying things that are causing the physical stuff one deals with.

Astrologically Cherry Obsidian is connected with the zodiac sign of Libra & Taurus.


Featured above is a Yellow Obsidian tumbled stone.

Yellow Obsidian Spiritual Meaning

Yellow Obsidian Meaning

Where can you get it, and how expensive is it?

This is a crystal/stone that you should be able to find easily in any local metaphysical shop. (See My Favorite Metaphysical Shopsfor more info.) You should never pay more than $1.00 for a tumbled stone, but you can also find them in palm sized for a few dollars more. How large the stone is determines the price.

How will this help you?

Yellow Obsidian Meaning And Uses

  • It is helpful for the protection of children, particularly gentle children from bullies.[Hall] [Eason]
  • It helps with improvement of self-esteem when needed. [Hall]
  • A home will be invigorated by yellow obsidian. It is an uplifting stone. [Cunningham](I like to keep one in the space i do most of my work in.)
  • It helps one to feel more grounded in or out of a love relationship. It’s particularly helpful when a love relationship feels tenuous. [Hall]
  • It is protective against negativity and bullying. [Hall] (Negativity i like to think is another version of bullying.)
  • It is good for general psychic protection and to prevent you from absorbing another’s negativity. It is an energizing stone. [Hall]
  • It Is The Stone Of Wizards. [Hall] [Eason] [Roberts]
  • It can be used for rituals regarding vision-seeking, scrying, and communication with plants, animals, and spirits. [Cunningham]
  • It will help to improve moral and you will be more invigorated by its use and therefore more motivated toward your work. [Hall]
  • Obsidian is grounding, centering stones. Hold it in your hands or place your bare feet on two small, polished pieces when you’re flighty or can’t seem to get your physical life in order. Remember – the physical is the path to the spiritual. Each is a reflection of the other. [Cunningham]

So in short, if you don’t have one of these stones, you might want to consider it. Its a wonderful addition to any LightWorkers collection! ——————————————————————————————————

Magic Tidbits and Magick Tips

The following tip I got from: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic By Scott Cunningham

Obsidian is effective when carried or used in protective One involves surrounding a white candle with four obsidian arrowheads that each point to one of the directions. This sets up aggressive energies which guard the place in which it is set up.

Yellow Obsidian Meaning

Obsidian is effective when carried or used in protective rituals. One involves surrounding a white candle with four obsidian arrowheads that each point to one of the directions. This sets up aggressive energies which guard the place in which it is set up.

(Remember to use safe practices when preforming any magic/magick, [See My Definition on Magic/Magick] call in your guides, angels, and/or chosen Deity for protection!)


Obsidian Crystal Meaning

I hope you found this stone of the day information helpful. What is your favorite crystal/stone? Do you have an experience with crystals you would like to share? Questions and comments are always welcome: